Movin' on down the road!

The land is purchased! We will build a new 12,000 sq. ft. Storehouse, just 1.7 miles down Spartanburg Highway.
$150. buys One Square Foot!
(you may DONATE on our 'Home' page)

Food Drives can be FUN...

AND Food Drives are essential to The Storehouse.

When you start a food drive you're helping your neighbors in need. It also connects you to your community in a very special way! A great team builder for your business, club, Sunday School class, and Neighborhood.

Contact [email protected]

Delivering the goods...every month

Each month, Butch and Susan and five other delivery teams bring boxes of food, hygiene items and other household essentials to our 58 homebound neighbors in Henderson County. 

In 2022, we had 1,980 deliveries to our homebound and special needs clients! 

How would you like to be part of this team?
A team that really matters!

A longtime volunteer at the Storehouse. Lois and her husband Rich, have helped in the pantry, the cold-weather closet and with Blessings in Boxes for many years. Lois has also taught our Budget Class. 

To discover your special place as a volunteer at The Storehouse, contact [email protected]

July 4th Matching Campaign ends on July 31st

The BEST time to donate is NOW!
Our 9 generous sponsors have pledged $3,000. each in our Matching Donation Campaign: THANK YOU!
Advent Health 
Ebenezer Baptist Church 
First Baptist Church 
Fruitland Baptist Church 
Grace Lutheran Church
Hendersonville Church of God
Hendersonville Presbyterian Church 
Reformation Presbyterian Church 
St James Episcopal Church

NOW THRU July 31, 2024!


The Storehouse received 13,000+ lbs. of food thanks to The 'Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive' on  5/11/24.

A tremendous effort to help alleviate hunger here in Henderson County. The Letter Carriers deserve a HUGE round of applause.

Thanks also to ALL the volunteers and staff who helped make this successful!

Our 6 Delivery Teams...

...bring food & essentials each month to our 60 seniors. The essential personal care items for the "People in Need" deliveries were made possible by a grant from 'The Community Foundation of Western NC' THANK YOU!

Van provided by a generous grant from 'Community Foundation of Henderson County' THANK YOU!

That's a lot of $$$!

It's all about our volunteers! Bette-Lee Taylor has served at The Storehouse since 2006. And there are scores of others who volunteer here each week. In 2021, our Storehouse team contributed 8,445.5 volunteer hours. That's a savings of more than $241K! That's how a non-profit continues to serve the community, finding great people with a ❤ to help others.

It's also why we talk so often about our volunteers. We could never help as many folks as we do without them!!!

So where did that $241,034.57 come from? There is a national organization that keeps track of charitable info and stats: They calculated the value of each volunteer hour in 2021 at $28.54

 'North Carolina Healing Communities Fund'
awards $30K Grant

This grant helps us procure more food and meet the increased need.  Board Vice-Chair, Sandra Winecoff and Executive Director, Lynn Staggs are all smiles! 

Newest member of "our fleet"

 A consistent community partner, James H. Cummings Foundation, also provided the upfitting to make our space on Spartanburg Highway ​​​​​​​suitable as a food pantry with a few offices! THANK YOU!

Provided by a grant from James H. Cummings Foundation, Inc.